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4 de septiembre de 2009
Conferencia de la escritora Najat Elhachmi en Carleton College
Two Minnesota Trade Office Seminars
♦ On Wednesday, September 16, we will conduct a morning seminar entitled "Export Opportunities in Norway." The seminar will be held from 9 to 10:30 a.m., with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. Company representatives will also have the option of meeting with the speaker, Mr. Heming Bjorna, commercial specialist with the U.S. Commercial Service at the U.S. Embassy in Oslo, to discuss specific questions or concerns. During the seminar, he will cover the ins and outs of doing business Norway, and will discuss the best prospects and real challenges of this market.
♦ On Tuesday, September 29, we offer our "Export Process: An Introduction to Exporting" seminar, at our department conference center in St. Paul. The seminar will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (including a networking lunch), with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m.
27 de agosto de 2009
State of Minnesota Mission to South America
Governor Tim Pawlenty recently announced that he will lead a delegation of Minnesota business leaders on a mission to South America in December to expand the state's trade relationship with its Western Hemisphere partners. The delegation will visit two of the most significant emerging markets on the continent - Brazil and Chile - although the mission is intended to focus attention on all twelve South American countries.
The Minnesota Trade Office - the lead organizer of the mission - is now accepting applications from Minnesota business leaders interested in joining the delegation. If your international business objectives include South America or if you have not yet explored opportunities in these increasingly important markets, we recommend that you consider applying for the mission.
Visit the Minnesota Trade Office website for mission details and an application. Information on developments and opportunities in South America, particularly in Brazil and Chile, also is available on the Trade Office website.
Go to:
Application deadline is September 25, 2009.
Rachel Limón
International Trade Representative
Minnesota Trade Office
Department of Employment & Economic Development
1st National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200
St. Paul, MN 55101-1351
Ph: 651-259-7492
Fax: 651-296-3555
26 de junio de 2009
Reportaje sobre José Carlos Galera en TV
Reportaje en Aragón Televisión
A refugee & immigrant journey - A CAPI event at the Weisman Art Museum
25 de junio de 2009
Se busca casa para los gatos de Denise
21 de junio de 2009
Eulogia para Denise
If we were to describe Denise, we will say that "she was a friend to her friends". Only that she had friends all over the world. During the last week we have called: Spain, Costa Rica, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay These are some of the countries where she had friends. If you knew Denise, you knew about her friends too. The way Denise talked about her friends just made you want to know them. And when you finally met them, they became your own friends.
Denise's passion for life was contagious. She loved nature, camping, canoeing, walking in the woods, bird watching. She was a true citizen of the world. She cooked paella for friends, she made lefsa for others, and she could prepare the best Argentinian mate. Denise would embrace the culture and she would become an expert on that culture. She would let you know and teach you about it. Many of us have learned about our own culture through her. When the group of Spanish women was created a few years ago, there was no discussion about the fact that Denise had to be part of it , because she was a true Spaniard at heart
Denise had a heart of gold, always there to listen and help. She could be a sister, a friend , a mother a shoulder to cry on and the best person to celebrate the happy times. She was a great storyteller also. Who doesn't remember one of her stories? She even won a story telling contest about a time that she met a woman on a train in Spain that showed her a picture of her husband and Denise said I met this guy two years ago in a disco bar.
She had a great memory. She could remember names, special ocasions, little details, and she could sing all the verses of almost any song In Spanish Swedish and English.
We don't recall one time in the last twenty some years that Denise has been invited to a dinner party, picnic, singing carols etc that she did not come………..late that is true, very late sometimes but always there with flowers in one hand and her blue party bag filled with a good bottle of wine, manchego cheese, Spanish olives and her three tier dish , to make it all look beautiful.
But more than anything, Denise will be remembered for the sparkle in her blue eyes, her beautiful smile, the kind words always prepared and the contagious optimism. One of Denise's favorite sayings sums up her view of life: every time we did a toast Denise would say " Salud, dinero, amor y tiempo para gozarlo" " Health, love, money and time to enjoy it"
We will miss talking, singing, cooking paellas, dancing and laughing at the same old jokes with her. But we are grateful to her for reminding us always that life is a beautiful present and we have to enjoy it. Thank you for your sharing your life with us.
Nuestra querida Denise
Hace aproximadamente 15 años cuando decidimos formar un grupo de españolas con las mujeres afincadas en Minnesota, nadie dudó que nuestra presidenta debía de ser Denise Anderson. No hubo necesidad de contar los votos porque la decisión fue unánime.
Denise era una persona con una sonrisa siempre en los labios dispuesta a ofrecer siempre lo mejor de ella, ese optimismo innato que nos inundaba a todos los que estábamos a su alrededor.
Denise era una amante de la cultura y costumbres españolas. Era una americana con espíritu español. Gran cocinera con excelente habilidad para preparar paellas con todo detalle (mejillones incluídos). Sabía dónde encontrar productos finos españoles para sorprendernos en las reuniones que hemos tenido a lo largo de estos años con ella. Aunque yo no he tenido la suerte de experimentarlo personalmente, me han dicho que hasta tenía una churrera para hacer churros!!! Admiraba tanto nuestra cultura española que hasta hacía esfuerzos por hablar al estilo castellano pronunciando "ce" y "ci" cuando estaba entre nosotros.
Denise tenía un corazón de oro, dispuesta a ayudar y a escuchar siempre a los demás. Su espíritu era jovial y eso se reflejaba en su constante entusiasmo por el saber, siempre tan activa! Le gustaba sentirse cerca de las personas usando un lenguaje amistoso con ellas. Denise ha sido la única persona que me llamaba "Mariajo" lo cual daba un toque especial a nuestra amistad...
Te echaremos mucho de menos. Hasta siempre,
Maria Jose Martin
Algunas palabras sobre Denise
Algunas palabras sobre Denise:
Hace aproximadamente 11 años un grupo de mujeres de España nos reunimos
por primera vez en casa de Marian con la intención de crear un colectivo
que se reuniera periódicamente. Nuestra intención era llevar a cabo
actividades comunes y apoyarnos mutuamente. En la reunión siguiente,
con un grupo ya más numeroso, empezamos a plantearnos quién debería
integrar el grupo. Algunas personas sugirieron que la mayor coherencia
del grupo vendría si todas fuéramos inmigrantes nacidas en España. La
propuesta no progresó. Todas estábamos de acuerdo en que era necesario
ser "española" pero quien puso en evidencia que el país de nacimiento no
podía ser el criterio de selección del grupo, fue Denise. Excluir a
Denise de nuestras reuniones de españolas era un sin sentido para todas
aquellas de nosotras que hemos tenido la suerte de compartir con Denise
el cariño, el conocimiento y el entusiasmo que la unían a España. Con
el lenguaje, con las paellas o cantando villancicos, Denise es una
española de honor y lo será siempre en nuestros corazones.
Recuerdos de Denise, escrito por Rafi
Minneapolis June 18th 2009
Memories of Denise,
I don't remember when or how I met Denise for the first time, probably was at Juanjo's house during a party not too long after I move to the United Sates in 1987. And probably it was as simple as Denise and me being introduced by someone and 5 minutes later seemed like we have known each other for ever. She had the ability to make friends and to be loved instantly by anyone that met her.
It is funny how some of the main events and people in life will cross into your path, change, mold you, and move out without you even noticing it. It is not until one reflects later on it, that one realizes how a decisive of a role that event or person played in your life.
Denise had that kind of influence on me and the people that were lucky enough to count her as a friend. Without any pretension, without even being aware of it, she impacted and influenced all of us and by that, she made us a little bit better persons.
I learned a lot from Denise:
I learned facts: From how to cut the stems of a bouquet of roses, so that they will last longer, to where to go for the best tea party in town, to how to brew beer, or handle difficult students and parents. Every time that I expressed my admiration for how much she knew about whatever the topic was, she was always very humble about it. I learned humility from Denise.
I don't recall one time in the last twenty some years that I have invited Denise to a dinner, party, singing carols , picnic etc, that she did not come,….. late that is true, very late……. sometimes but always there and always among the last ones to go. I can close my eyes and see her coming up to my house, with flowers in one hand and her blue party bag, with a good bottle of wine, the manchego cheese, the Spanish olives and her three tier dish inside, to make it all look beautiful. I learned style and good manners from Denise. Always ready to dance, to sign and to tell her joke about how do you say mujer insatisfecha en japones Ya ta? I learned how to have fun from Denise.
I learned how to be a good friend. The way Denise talked about her friends just made you want to know them, and when you finally did you always ended up being friends with them too. I am thankful to Denise for all the friends she has shared with me.
She also talked a lot about her mom and the things they'll do together and to tell you the truth, always made me a little bit sad because I live so far from my mom, but in more than one occasion after talking to Denise I got up and called my mom in Spain. I learned from Denise how to be a better daughter.
But more than anything I learned from Denise the right way to live life. The light on her blue eyes, her beautiful smile, the kind word always prepared and the contagious optimism are all sum up of one of Denise's favorite saying every time we did a toast "Salud, Dinero, Amor y tiempo para disfrutarlo" "Health, love, money, and the time to enjoy it"
I will miss talking, singing, cooking paellas, dancing, and laughing at the same old jokes with her. But I am grateful to her for reminding me always that life is a beautiful present and we have to enjoy it. Gracias Denise.
17 de junio de 2009
Denise Anderson
St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church
2323 Como Avenue, St. Paul, 651-645-0371
The family is asking for any donations to be directed to the American Swedish Institute and/or the American Heart Association.
Denise Anderson, descanse en paz
Como muchos ya sabéis, nuestra querida amiga, Denise G. Anderson, falleció inesperadamente ayer, Junio 16. La familia está en el proceso de preparar su memorial. Hasta que anuncien sus deseos, os animo a que escribais los recuerdos que tenéis de ella y que recopiléis fotografías en caso de que la familia decida usarlas. Tan pronto como nos informen de los arreglos y donde enviar vuestros recuerdos y condolencias, publicaré la información,
Concha Fernández del Rey
For those of you don't already know, our dear friend, Denise G. Anderson, passed away unexpectedly yesterday, June16th. The family is in the process of making arrangements for Denise's memorial. Until we hear details of their plans, I encourage all of you to write down your fond memories of her and to gather your photographs of her in case the family decides to use them for her memorial. As soon as I know anything about arrangements and where to send your memories and condolences, I will post that information.
Concha Fernández del Rey
2 de junio de 2009
Dos cosas
- Francisco Jimenez, andaluz, vive en Staples, MN y pregunta si hay algún andaluz entre nosotros!!!! Los que soys andaluces por favor mandarle una nota para que no se sienta tan solo. También me dice que si os apetece hacer una acampada en Staples, un sitio precioso, él se ofrece a organizarla. (
- Voy a estar fuera del 25 de Junio al 9 de Agosto. Tenedlo en cuenta los que teneis que hacer papeleo o renovar pasaportes.
Nada más, feliz martes!
26 de mayo de 2009
8 de mayo de 2009
Familia Galera
7 de mayo de 2009
En honor a MAria Elena "La Cordobesa"
Flamenca and an interview with Cordobesa that will be posted on May 7
(this will be archived for at least two weeks), and cuts from her CD on
May 14. The short cut is If you
lose this, just go to the website and select Poquito y Bueno
from the drop-down menu under "program and schedule".
5 de mayo de 2009
Día de Campo- Memorial Day: Todos los detalles
4 de mayo de 2009
Governor's Global Trade Conference
Governor's Global Trade Conference on May 15.
Registration and conference information is online
Save the date- Lunes 25 de Mayo
Ayer se decidió que el lunes 25 de Mayo, Memorial Day, haremos una fiesta-picnic en un parque. Será a partir de la 1 de la tarde. Mandaremos más información cuando nos organicemos un poco más.
Feliz semana!
2 de mayo de 2009
FW: José Carlos recupera el ánimo y la sonrisa |
30 de abril de 2009
Ha fallecido Maria Elena "La Cordobesa"
21 de abril de 2009
Programa "60 Minutes"
15 de abril de 2009
Aproveche últimos pases - Curso Lean Construction
14 de abril de 2009
5 de febrero de 2009
Familia Galera
2 de febrero de 2009
Noticias de la Familia Galera
19 de enero de 2009
FW: Isabel Sanz - Familia Galera para el Heraldo
Aqui os mando un articulo que escribió Isabel Sanz para El Heraldo hace unas semanas
Windows Live™ Hotmail®: Chat. Store. Share. Do more with mail. See how it works.
5 de enero de 2009
Noticias del Heraldo de Aragon
Link del Heraldo hablando de Jose Carlos Galera
3 de enero de 2009
Fiesta de los Reyes Magos
Visita de Sus Majestades los Reyes Magos de Oriente
El sábado 10 de enero, con ocasión de la visita de Sus Majestades los Reyes Magos de Oriente a Minnesota, habrá una celebración para el reparto de juguetes a los niños que se hayan portado bien este año pasado. ¡Habrá roscón de reyes!
Horario: de 5:30 a 8 de la tarde
(para que a todos nos dé tiempo de dormir la siesta)
Lugar: Lake Hiawatha Recreation Center
2701 E. 44th St. - Minneapolis, MN 55406
(Es el mismo lugar donde se celebró el año pasado)
Precio: $15 por familia (precio aproximado contando con un mínimo de 10 familias). El precio incluye el alquiler del centro recreativo, la decoración, roscón de reyes y bebida (posiblemente chocolate caliente…)
Las familias deberán traer un regalo con el nombre y el apellido de cada niño escrito. Los regalos se dejarán previamente en un lugar asignado, fuera de la vista de los niños, para que los recojan Sus Majestades o su Paje Real y después los repartan.
Por favor, confirmad vuestra asistencia y especificad cuántos adultos y niños vendrán enviando un mensaje a Marisa Parzenczewski: Habrá villancicos (si queréis traer los vuestros, cuantos más mejor).
Actividades adicionales: Hay una pista de patinaje justo al lado del centro recreativo, para los que tengan más energía y se atrevan con las inclemencias del tiempo.