Si quieres contactar con nosotros escribenos:
20 de julio de 2018
I wait for your prompt response.
I am Mr. Abdul Samad from Burkina Faso a Minister confide on me to look for foreign partner who will assist him to invest the sum of Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000) in your country.
He has investment interest in mining, exotic properties for commercial resident, development properties, hotels and any other viable investment opportunities in your country based on your recommendation will be highly welcomed.
Hence your co -operation is highly needed to actualize this investment project
I wait for your prompt response.
Sincerely yours
Mr Abdul Samad
18 de julio de 2018
Gestión de la práctica educativa
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16 de julio de 2018
Saludos de Curso La Palabra.
Comunicación en el entorno web