1 de diciembre de 2008

UMTIA forward: NYC HHC hiring Manager of Simultaneous Interperting Center (TEMIS)

Estimado grupo de españoles/as,
Aquí os envío un mensaje que me ha llegado de UMTIA por si os interesa a alguno/a o sabéis de alguien que pudiera estar interesado.
Saludos de Maria Jose Martin

> Dear UMTIA colleagues:
> I'm forwarding a job posting for you to consider and share.
> Regards,
> Elisa Gustafson
> UMTIA Membership Director
> UMTIA@juno.com
> Dear Colleagues,
> This is a great opportunity for an experienced simultaneous medical
> interpreter / interpreter center manager to be part of leading the expansion
> of TEMIS, a UN-style interpreting center based in NY City's Bellevue
> Hospital (part of NY City Health and Hospitals Corporation, HHC). TEMIS
> offers simultaneous interpreting services in Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin,
> Cantonese, Fuzhou), Polish, Haitian Creole, French, and Bengali.
> Please forward/post and urge any qualified candidates to apply by sending
> resumes to Edith Davis Edith.Davis@bellevue.nychhc.org and Daniel Garmendiz
> in Bellevue's Human Resources Daniel.Garmendiz@bellevue.nychhc.org.
> Time is of the essence, so please encourage applicants to send their resumes
> to the above by December 1st.
> Thank you!
> Stefanie
> Culturally and Linguistically Appropraite Services (CLAS), NYC HHC

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